Spiritual Healing
Please note that the church is open to the public every Wednesday between 10.30am and 12.30pm, for spiritual healing for a donation only. All are welcome.
Please note that the church is open to the public every Wednesday between 10.30am and 12.30pm, for spiritual healing for a donation only. All are welcome.
Wendy Hansford’s next open Development Circle will take place on Wednesday 9th October at 1.00pm and will last until 2.30pm. This is an open Circle so everybody is welcome to attend whether or not they are beginners or experienced in Circle work. There is an Admission fee of £3.00 to cover utility costs.
We are delighted to welcome back to the Sanctuary the superb Medium, Colin Ross for our Evening of Clairvoyance at 7.30pm on Friday11th October 2024. We know that we will have an excellent demonstration of Spirit communication with Colin. Admission is £3.00 for members and £4.00 for non-members.
We are delighted to welcome back to the Sanctuary the excellent Medium, Michelle Ridley who is taking our church service at 6.30pm on Sunday, 13th October 2024. We know that we will have a lovely service and demonstration of Spirit communication with Michelle.
Please note that the church is open to the public every Wednesday between 10.30am and 12.30pm, for spiritual healing for a donation only. All are welcome.
We are delighted to welcome back to the Sanctuary the excellent Medium, Janet Mills for our Evening of Clairvoyance at 7.30pm on Friday 18th October 2024. We know that we will have a lovely, demonstration of Spirit communication with Janet. Admission is £3.00 for members and £4.00 for non-members.
We are delighted to welcome back to the Sanctuary the excellent Medium, Iain Mason, who is taking our harvest festival church service at 6.30pm on Sunday, 20th October 2024. We know that we will have a lovely service and demonstration of Spirit communication with Iain. There will also be a ploughman's supper afterwards with apple...
Please note that the church is open to the public every Wednesday between 10.30am and 12.30pm, for spiritual healing for a donation only. All are welcome.
Wendy Hansford’s next open Development Circle will take place on Wednesday 23rd October at 1.00pm and will last until 2.30pm. This is an open Circle so everybody is welcome to attend whether or not they are beginners or experienced in Circle work. There is an Admission fee of £3.00 to cover utility costs.
We are delighted to welcome back to the Sanctuary the excellent Medium, Vicky Diprose, for our Evening of Clairvoyance at 7.30pm on Friday 25th October 2024. We know that we will have a lovely demonstration of Spirit communication with Vicky. Admission is £3.00 for members and £4.00 for non-members.